Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues returns to a Super Sized R version


Paramount Pictures and Gary Sanchez Productions announced today  the theatrical re-release of a new cut of the film “ANCHORMAN 2: THE LEGEND CONTINUES,” starring Will Ferrell, in theaters in the U.S. and U.K. beginning February28th for one-week only.

This version, called: «Achorman 2: The Legend Continues Super Sized R  rated Version»  supposedly will include 763 jokes.

“When my editor told me we had a whole different version of the movie that was more than two hours long with nearly 800 new jokes, I was shocked. But when Paramount said they were actually going to put it in theaters, I did an 1950’s spit take. If you’re a hardcore Anchorman fan go see this. If you’re not, stay very far away,» said writer / director Adam McKay in a written statement.

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, a sequel to 2004’s  film “ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY,” was released in theaters on December 18, 2013 and has earned more than $170 million at the worldwide box office to date.

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